Friday, December 04, 2009

Countdown to Christmas: Decorations

Home Week

Quick Organizing Tips for Decorations
  • If there are decorations that you do not use or just don’t have time to put up, eliminate them from your collection. Donate items to charity or to your favorite college student.
  • Plan a decorating party with the family. Play your favorite holiday CDs and break out the cocoa. Make it an event you look forward to, not dread.
  • As you take down decorations designate a box for each room in the house and label it with the room name and its contents. This will make the following year’s decorating a breeze.
  • Use heavy cardboard or those plastic holders to wrap and store your lights. Taking time to do this when taking down your decorations will save you time and stress next year!

Check out more Countdown to Christmas organizing tips and ideas.


Helene said...

Believe it or not, this is the ONE thing I am organized at!! I keep everything in labeled boxes. I keep all the special ornaments in the box they came in along with the child's name and date we got the ornament. I'm hoping when they're all adults with their own families that I can give them all their childhood ornaments.

How are you doing? How's your pregnancy?

I need to look through your archives one of these days on how to organize children's school work. Cole and Bella bring home so many papers on a daily basis from kindergarten and I have no clue what to do with them all!

H-Mama said...

I did this last Christmas and it made decorating so much easier this year. Great tip! ;)

ConnieFoggles said...

We usually have the decorating part and take down part down pat, but this year with my husband sick it's going to be quite different. I hope he heeds the doctor's warnings and doesn't overdo it. Maybe we'll have some friends over to help and make a good meal for them.

Creative Junkie said...

That third one is something I definitely need to do. It would make next year so much easier.

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