- Locate the cards/envelopes you will be sending out. Using a photo card? Decide on the picture you would like to use. Even if you will be getting prints made at a later date, you can still complete steps 2-6 in the meanwhile.
- Compile your list.
- Determine the date you will be putting the cards in the mail. Put it on your calendar!
- Create a family letter if you will be including one.
- Address envelopes. Break it down into smaller batches.
- Buy stamps before the post office gets super busy.
- Stamp and send the cards out by your target date.
Why not consider sending cards for Thanksgiving, New Year's or Valentines?
For more Works-for-Me ideas, visit We Are THAT Family.
The anxiety comes from taking the actual photo for the card. hehe... *sigh*
Sigh. I haven't sent out Christmas cards in, I think, ten years?
I always get so much out of your posts and feel so motivated afterward! Thank you for another GOOD idea!
Love the idea of doing it before Christmas season even begins!
Oh snap, is it that time already???
What a good idea to get this going well before the crush of the season.
No idea if this is going to be priority for me again this year. It's been for a long time, but since I got sick, I've stopped sending cards. It's a shame to lose such a tradition.
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