Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Getting Stuff Done

What time of day are your mental and physical energies high? If possible, use that time for completing your most important projects and tasks.
I find that I am most productive in the morning and though I hate dragging myself out of bed before the kids, I do it when I have things I want to get done and out of the way. Most of the time it gives me a lot of motivation for the rest of the day.
Please understand that I don't think the goal is to cram in as much as you can during your day. Busyness in itself is not a healthily goal. I find that having a general idea of what tasks I would like to accomplish for the next day gives me direction. If I have a never-ending and unrealistic to-do list, I end up feeling stressed out and exhausted. I'm not happy and my family is not happy.
For more Works-For-Me ideas, visit We Are THAT Family.


Creative Junkie said...

I think I'm most creative in the early morning or late at night. The daytime hours are just filled with errands and chores and stuff and there's nothing like dishes and laundry to just suck the creativity right out of me.

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Good tip. Mornings are the quietest time around my house if I can force myself to get up earlier than the boys. :)

Heather of the EO said...

Good advice! I've heard some moms say that every once and awhile, if they get that late night burst of energy, they just go with it, staying up super late. Only occasionally, of course, but it seems like a good idea to got a whole lot done with no interruptions.

Nice to "meet" you :)

Arlice Nichole said...

Congratulations Paula!!! I could not wait to come over and tell you! Lots of great topics I see.

Arlice Nichole said...

This is a great idea, and I actually tried told myself that I would try getting up a bit earlier the other day before dropping the kids off to camp. That darn snooze button.

Anonymous said...

I've actually thought about forcing myself to get up early once school starts again. That way at least I can get my exercising in, and my shower, before the kids get up. And then I'm all ready for my day and can leave for errands as soon as the kids are on the bus.

ConnieFoggles said...

I'm a night owl so my most productive time is late at night, but that messes up my day time hours. I'll be fine when my daughter is away at college ;)

Helene said...

I usually get up earlier than the kids just so I can manage to fit a shower in!! And then I'll usually stay up a couple hours after they go to bed to just unwind. I very rarely have time in the middle of the day to get things done that I want to get done.

And how bad is this?? My husband took the kids to his parents this afternoon for a few hours and I told him I was gonna get the downstairs bathroom painted....yet, here I sit on the computer reading blogs.

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