Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Give Me a Break

Today, being the beautiful day that it was, I found it quite challenging to accomplish some of the original tasks on my list. Instead of writing my blog post this afternoon, I took extra time with my son at the park. After lunch, I did a little bit of weeding in the front flowerbeds instead of folding the laundry right away. Before dinner, I took my daughter on a short, but most enjoyable, shopping trip. Now, it's 11 p.m. and I'm finally getting back to one of today's tasks not yet accomplished....my blog post for today: Tuesday's Tips.

As I reflect on today, I realize that I gained much more by taking time for myself and for my family than I would have if I stuck strictly to my to-do list. I'll remember that my four-year-old was surprised that the chocolate candy melted in his hand as he sat on the swing in the hot sun. I KNOW my daughter will talk about the time we went shopping together to pick out a few new summer dresses but came home with two bags of new clothes for her (thank you Children's Place Outlet!). I don't think I would have rememberd that day that I got everything on my list done.

Organization is also about making time for what is important in your life. Because I do a pretty good job of staying on top of most tasks, my schedule allowed me some flexibility today. I know tomorrow I will feel more energized and ready to go because of my "break".

Do you give yourself permission to take a break? If you are like me and find it hard to make this happen, schedule it!

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