Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is This Missing From Your Summer Calendar?

Me Time!!!

Taking a little time for yourself will allow you to give more to your children and family. This means doing something just for you that you enjoy.

You may give yourself the time to read a good book, work on a favorite hobby, exercise, or have a cup of coffee with friends. You could make a date with your spouse, join a Bible study group, get a massage, or spend some quiet time alone.

If we want to be the best we can be in our roles as parents, co-workers, spouses, friends, and members of the community, we must remember to also take time for ourselves.

What's top on "Me Time" list? Reading, going for walks, and getting together with good friends. How about you?


Creative Junkie said...

God, I would love to read a book! And learn how to use my DSLR properly.

ConnieFoggles said...

Travel is number one on my list! Spending time with my family, especially with school out is second. We're off to a great start already!

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