Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Purging Papers on Tackle it Tuesday

This is my first Tackle it Tuesday. I've thought about doing this before but my friend Dore over at Dore's Diary inspired me with this post.

So here goes. I've been in the purging mood. I get like that in the spring. Among other projects, I recently focused on my filing cabinet. My business files have been neglected. They were in good working order but I needed to thin them out - Take Out (recycle and shred) the stuff that brings me no value.

I'm pretty quick at making decisions on what stays and what goes, but here are the 5 questions I like to ask if I get stuck:
  1. Will I need to refer to this in the future?

  2. Is this information current?

  3. Can I get this information again? (online?)

  4. Do I need to keep this for legal/tax purposes?

  5. What would be the worst thing that would happen if I got rid of this?

Here's the end result - a large box of papers to recycle.

If you are looking to tackle the papers in you home, you'll want to join me for my successful Virtual Workshop: Paper Organizing for Busy Moms.

You'll join me and other moms by phone as I walk you through the steps of eliminating those piles of papers.

"Paula, I LOVE the systems [we set up] and it is motivating to see how much I have accomplished already! The day of the workshop I kept organizing until that night. I was amazed at how much I got done in one day. I've already had several times where I needed to locate something and I actually found it within seconds! No more wasting time searching."

My next class is taking place on Saturday, September 26, 2009. Can't wait that long? Contact me to learn how you can schedule your own private class along with 5 of your friends.


Amanda said...

I wish my mother-in-law would do a tackle like this. Her house is about to burst with all the papers, magazines and newspapers they have saved. LOL

Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

Good info, thanks! Paper clutter drives me BATTY!

Creative Junkie said...

omgosh, I hate paper clutter! HATE IT.

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