Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Call for Disney World Tips

Well, we did it. We booked a spring vacation to Disney World. Our first. Believe it or not, I am not one who likes to plan out every second of a vacation. In fact, the more spontaneous, the better.

I know, I'm an organizer and so planning should be my thing. Not so for vacations with me. If I would go that route, I would suck all the fun out of it for my family and me. Our priority for this trip to get away from it all and have fun! (Can I resist doing work on the airplane. I don't know about that yet.)

That being said, I know there are Disney World experts out there. I would love to hear your tips. Go for it. What are you top Disney World trip tips?

Oh yeah, we are not telling the kids until we get to the airport.


eight helping hands said...

I gave you an award over at my blog, come and get it!! You definitely deserve it. BTW, I'm planning on closet cleaning in April, I already took the before pictures. So I will be posting about your blog again.

Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

How exciting! I'm so happy for you! And not a bit jealous. ;-)

Never been, so I can't offer up any tips other than don't rush around and try to see everything, just relax and stroll and actually enjoy yourself.

Diane said...

I have been twice and if you have any questions I can try to answer them. The one thing I say you need to do asap is book your reservations for places you want to eat.
Email me if you have any questions

Paula @ Organizing Tips For Moms said...

Eight-Thanks for the award! You are sweet. I can wait to see your closet pictures...good for you!!

Paula @ Organizing Tips For Moms said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll get on that today. Thanks for stopping by and thank so much for your offer to help!

Helene said...

I've been to Disney World ages and ages ago so I'm of no help. If you were going to Disneyland, I could totally help you out!! We go every year.

I love the idea of not telling the kids until you're at the airport...I can only imagine how excited they'll be when they hear where they're going. Trust me, I'm a total Type-A when it comes to vacations and even I manage to have a blast at Disneyland and I find myself ultra relaxed. I'm so must post pictures when you get back so I can live vicariously through you!

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

You picked a Great time of the year to do Disney!
I see you got the Award too from 8 helping hands=))) So you got double whammied! Ooops=))

ConnieFoggles said...

We're going this Sunday. And I go all the time so my advice is don't try to fit in everything. It's impossible and will spoil your trip. Enjoy the attractions you can and take time to just look around and take in the atmosphere. So many people rush and miss out on the little things, like hidden Mickey's, people watching, reading the signs on the stores and finding the rare characters, etc. Enjoy!

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