Monday, February 23, 2009

Paying The Bills

  1. How do you pay your bills?
  2. Who pays the bills in your household?
  3. Do you have a budget? If yes, do you follow it?
  4. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to paying bills?


PamalaLauren said...

1. Bill pay. The only physical check I write is for rent. The rest is done automatically through the bank. Less worry for me.
2. I do the bills and all things financial.
3. We have a budget and follow it.
4. There's no struggle to paying the bills, whether we like it or not the money that needs to go into the bill account goes into the bill account. That sometimes means we don't have as much in the spending account though.

I have five checking accounts so that we don't spend money we shouldn't (the bill account has no debit card and no way to easily take out money.)

eight helping hands said...

I pay the bills and the rest are taken directly from our bank account. If that option is not available, I will pay the company directly on their website. No more checks. I don't think I've written one in over a year. I keep detailed copies of everything I pay, and I have a file for it, right where you said it should be!

Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

1. Online billpay, or as they arrive
2. My husband makes all the $ currently, and I pay the bills
3. No - but we definitely should - and WILL!
4. Having to pay them at all. And never having enough money. Billpay has really taken most of the pain out of the process.

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

I was scared to come over here- but I did it anyway- LOL! This is a cool blog!

Creative Junkie said...

1. How do you pay your bills?

We pay online. Took me quite a bit of time before I felt comfortable with this.

2. Who pays the bills in your household?

My husband, although I have to constantly remind him that due dates are NOT mere suggestions.

3. Do you have a budget? If yes, do you follow it?

Yes. No.

4. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to paying bills?

Paying them without getting physically ill.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this question! Ok, let's get started...
1. I have a special (organized!) spot all my own. I get some mint tea, and go to work on the 15th. One thing I make sure is while I'm paying my bills, I tell myself that paying the bills on time promotes the financial health of my family,

2. I pay the bills. I'm the family CFO!

3. Yes. I have a budget and I follow it to the T. But mastering this skill may take practice as it had for me in the beginning.

4. Sometimes I wish I was wrting the checks to myself instead of everybody else. Sigh.

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